Alarm Installation Services

Choosing Right Alarm System for Home or Apartment (2024)

When it comes to safeguarding your home or apartment, arguably one of the most crucial components is a reliable alarm system. This is not a decision to be taken lightly, given that the safety of your family, valuables and personal space is at stake. But with many home security & alarm systems are available the market today. Choosing the right alarm system for home & apartment can take time and effort.

In this blog post, we delve into how you can navigate this complex landscape to select an alarm installation system that best suits specific needs, considering some crucial factors that can affect your decision.

Types of Alarm Systems

Wireless vs. Wired Alarm System

wireless vs wired alarm system

Deciding between a wireless and a wired alarm system can be bit tricky.

Wireless Alarm System

These are known for their flexibility and straight-forward installation, making them user-friendly. They offer user-friendly flexibility and easy installations but may be vulnerable to interference. Interference in wireless alarm systems for home can can occur due to:

  • Signal Jamming: Wireless signals can be jammed by external devices, compromising communication between sensors and the control panel.
  • Hacking Risks: Wireless systems, if not adequately protected, can be susceptible to hacking, allowing unauthorized access to your security network. 
  • Battery Dependence: Wireless sensors rely on batteries, making them vulnerable to power outages or drained batteries, potentially leaving areas unprotected.

Wired Alarm System

These use physical connections for communication. Sensors and devices are linked with wires, creating a strong and dependable security setup. This ensures stable and secure signal transmission, reducing the chance of interference or hacking. Although installation might take more effort due to wiring. Wired alarm systems provide lasting reliability and avoid the potential risks linked with wireless options. Wired alarm systems offer stability but may necessitate professional installation.

Monitored vs. Unmonitored Alarm System

monitored vs unmonitored alarm system

Choosing a monitored security system entails constant surveillance by a security company, ensuring a swift response in emergencies. On the other hand, unmonitored systems, though cost-effective, depend on the homeowner to notify authorities in the event of an incident.

Choosing between them is crucial. Monitored systems offer 24/7 surveillance for a swift emergency response, though they cost more. Unmonitored systems are budget-friendly but require you to alert authorities. Consider priorities, budget, and your involvement in security management. G Force Security provides quality, budget-friendly Alarm Security Systems installation services in Canada with customizable plans, enhancing overall protection and prioritizing your safety.

Considerations for Homeowners

Before diving into the different types of alarm security system options, consider your budget, property size, and layout as they are going to effect your choice and right alarm system equipment.


Budget influences the features you can get in your alarm system. A bigger budget means you can have advanced features like smart home integration, remote access, and extensive monitoring services. In Canada, the variety of budgets leads to different alarm installation system options. In places with higher costs, like Toronto and Vancouver, you’ll find more advanced & costly choices available.

Property Size

The size of the property affects the alarm system for home needs. Bigger properties might need more sensors and cameras to cover all entry points and outdoor areas.

In Canada, homes in suburban and rural areas can be spacious, requiring a more extensive alarm installation setup. On the other hand, urban apartments or condominiums in cities like Toronto and Vancouver may need less coverage but possibly a more advanced system due to higher population density and crime rates.

Property or Home Layout

The layout of your home determines how many sensors you might need. Open-plan designs may require fewer sensors, whereas homes with multiple rooms and floors might need more to cover all possible entry points.

In Canada, modern homes typically have open-plan designs, while older ones are more segmented. This means that adaptable alarm systems for home are needed to suit the varied layouts of different homes.

Features & equipment to choose for Installing an Alarm security system

What to buy and what not to buy? It’s crucial to factor in distinctive features that amplify its overall effectiveness.

Motion sensors and Detectors

As a part of security systems, motion sensors detect movement within a certain range and trigger the alarm if unexpected motion is detected.

Types of Motion sensors

  •  Passive Infrared (PIR) Sensors: (most commonly used for homes & apartments).
  • Ultrasonic Sensors: uses sound waves to perceive motion.
  •  Microwave Sensors: operate with microwave pulses.
  • Dual Technology Sensors: combining multiple detection methods for accuracy.
  • Tomographic Motion Detectors: utilizing radio wave disturbances to sense movement, and systems employing.
  • Video Cameras: Software for Image Analysis to monitor changes in visual frames.

Each type of sensor has its strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of sensor can depend on the environment it will be used in, the level of sensitivity required, and whether it is indoor or outdoor. For example PIR sensors are suitable for homes and apartments as they have lesser trigger probability even for small moments, like moving doors and curtain swings.

Door and Window Sensors

These sensors trigger the alarm by detecting the opening and closing of the window. Magnetic Contact Sensors & Reed Switch Sensors are the most frequently used types in this category.

Environmental sensors

Smoke or carbon monoxide detectors, contribute to a safe living space by monitoring potential hazards. These sensors detect smoke or carbon monoxide levels in the home or apartment, providing early warnings in case of fire or gas leaks.

Water leak sensor, is another gadget for alarm installation about the potential water leak & damage to building structure.

Smart Home Integration

Integrating the security system with smart home technology allows remote monitoring & surveillance and control through your smartphone, tablet, tablet, computer or any such device.

Glass Break Sensors

Specifically designed to detect the sound or vibration of breaking glass, these sensors are often used near glass doors or windows.
Glass break sensors detect the specific sound or vibration patterns caused by breaking glass, and they are a common component of home security systems.

There exist two primary categories of sensors designed to detect the breakage of glass.

  • Acoustic Glass Break Sensors: Designed to listen for the sound frequency of breaking glass.
  • Vibration Glass Break Sensors: Also known as shock sensors are attached directly to the window pane. 

Yard Signs and Window Decals

Used as a deterrent to potential intruders and also as a means of alerting passersby and neighbors to the presence of a security system, informing others that property is being protected by an alarming system. In some provinces of Canada, installing these signs is a legal requirement of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).

These signs and decals often display the logo or name of the security firm that monitors the home. This can be an additional deterrent, especially if the security company is well-known for its effectiveness.

High-Decibel Alarms/Sirens

These loud alarms are designed to alert residents and potentially scare off intruders. They produce very loud sound, ranging from 85 to over 120 decibels, which is comparable to the sound level of a rock concert or a jet engine. Hence, not protecting the home alone but alerting the neighborhood and mobile security teams as well.

Video Doorbell

Combines a doorbell with a camera for visual verification, enabling real-time monitoring and remote access via a mobile app. Most video doorbells have motion sensors that can detect activity in front of the door.
They can alert the homeowner even before the visitor presses the doorbell button. This feature is useful for monitoring package deliveries, deterring potential porch pirates, or identifying suspicious activity.

Wireless Monitoring

Use of wireless technology to connect and manage various security devices within a security system. This Eliminates the need for cables, providing flexible and convenient surveillance through wireless signal transmission.

Floodlight Camera

These cameras uniquely integrate a powerful outdoor light with a video camera, offering both lighting and surveillance for enhanced home security.

These alarm & security devices collectively create a robust security setup, detecting intruders and keeping a watchful eye on changes in your home environment. Choosing an alarm installation system, furnished with these gadgets and devices ensures a more comprehensive and proactive approach to home & apartment security.

Professional versus Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Alarm Installation

When installing the alarm system, the decision between a do-it-yourself (DIY) approach and professional installation hinges on your technical skills and personal preferences. A DIY installation may be suitable if you’re comfortable with technology and enjoy hands-on projects. On the other hand, if you prefer a hassle-free setup or lack technical expertise, opting for a professional alarm installation company in Canada might be the better choice. Regardless of the installation method, it’s essential to grip the basics of maintaining your alarm system for home to ensure its long-term effectiveness.

Familiarize yourself with common troubleshooting issues to promptly address potential problems, keeping your security setup in optimal working condition. Learn about common troubleshooting issues to address potential problems promptly.

Professional Alarm Monitoring

Professional monitoring means a security company keeps an eye on your alarm system all day, every day, 24/7. Specially trained experts watch for signals from your system. If there’s an alert, they act fast – calling emergency services or reaching out to you directly.

Professional security monitoring gives your security an extra boost, making sure there’s a quick and effective response to any potential threats. Professional monitoring is beneficial for ensuring a swift and effective response to security threats by having trained specialists monitor your alarm system 24/7.

Choosing the Best Alarm System Brand

The process of choosing an alarm installation system can be pretty daunting, with a lot of options available. It involves considering several key factors to ensure you get a system that meets your security requirements, budget, and lifestyle.

Prioritize Key Features

Identify the features that are most crucial for your needs. Whether it’s advanced motion sensors, integration with smart home technology, ease of use, or the quality of customer service, make sure the brand you choose excels in these areas.

Brand Reputation and Reviews

Before making a final decision, delve into customer reviews across different platforms. Pay attention to consistent positive feedback, and be aware of recurring negative issues. It helps you to make decisions quickly. Customer reviews provide valuable perspectives, helping you gauge the reliability and satisfaction levels associated with the product or service you’re considering. By considering the collective experiences of others, you can make a more confident decision that aligns with your expectations and requirements.

Contract and Flexibility

Be cautious about committing to long-term contracts. Some companies provide flexible month-to-month choices, while others might ask for commitments spanning multiple years. Verify that you are aware of all the terms and conditions, including the cancellation procedures.

Customer Support

It’s important to have good customer support. Choose a brand that provides strong support, whether it’s through a help center, live chat, phone assistance, or in-person help.

Warranty and Guarantees

Make sure to find out how long the warranty lasts and what it includes. Some companies provides also a satisfaction guarantee, which adds an extra layer of assurance.

Hire a Security Consultant

Another wise proposition is to Outsource all your headaches to a professional security consultant. Who’ll take care of all the stuff, needs assessment, choosing the right equipment, installation, and continuous maintenance and monitoring?

Additionally, G Force Security stands out as a reliable provider of alarm security systems in Ontario. With a commitment to delivering top-notch services, ensuring the highest protection standards for your home or business. 

They offer cutting-edge technology, including motion sensors, door and window sensors, smart home integration, environmental sensors, alarm response services and much more across Canada & particularly in Ontario, Quebec & Vancouver.


In conclusion, the perfect alarm security system suits your property, aligns with your budget, and meets your feature requirements. The choice between wireless or wired and monitored or mainly unmonitored depends on your needs. Whichever route you take, remember the aim is to fortify the security of your home or apartment without compromising on ease of use. If you’re seeking a budget-friendly, highly effective option, consider Gallery for your home alarm system needs. Find the balance between security and convenience, and ensure peace of mind with G Force Security.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)    

Are wireless alarm systems reliable?

Wireless systems are reliable, but factors like interference and battery life should be considered.

Can I install an alarm system in an apartment?

Yes, many alarm systems are designed for apartments & homes offering scalable security solutions.

Do monitored systems require a monthly fee?

Yes, monitored systems usually involve a monthly fee for the surveillance service.

What is the lifespan of an average alarm system?

The lifespan varies, but proper maintenance can extend the longevity of your system.

How much does a security system cost?
The cost of an alarm system in Canada can range from as low as $8 a month up to $60/month depending on the provider & services you choose.

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